A few years ago, my husband and I, along with our 10 year old son, left Memphis, TN to move to Western Kentucky for his job. He is a civil engineer. He was working on the largest civil works project for the Army Corps of Engineers, which was in its last stages of building 3 locks and a damn across the Ohio River. We loved our time in Kentucky, and miss the friends we made there. Life has lead us to South Carolina for the Natural Resources Conservation Service, because the damn opened this past September, and we were almost sent to the cold weather instead of the warm South. So we chose being close to the beach and the mountains instead of Mid-America. But this post is about our time in Kentucky.
A few weeks after moving to Kentucky, I was browsing Etsy, looking at the wonderful art dolls for sale. While there, I came across the store, "Higher Delights Dolls," by Kelly Sparks Salchli. Oh my goodness, these dolls were gorgeous! So I decided to read about the artist. And I couldn't believe what I saw. She lived in the same town I had just moved to. What were the odds of that?
Kelly and I were both busy mothers, but we tried to take time to craft things together. She has a big studio where she creates her dolls. She has her own kiln, and has taught herself to quilt. These days she is remodeling her home and painting beautiful unicorns. I have learned a lot from Kelly. She inspires me.
After knowing each other for about 6 months, we took a trip together along with my son and her daughter to attend her first doll show in Asheville, NC. While there, I met some wonderful artists who were so kind and encouraging. Although the show was mainly for Reborn babies, there were artists there who created OOAK art dolls and BJDs. Maybe in another post, I will give you an insider look at selling at a doll show. But understand, this was our first, and so far, only experience. We are thinking about trying another one soon.
It was at this show that I first laid eyes on the doll I have featured in this post. Kelly told me that she was a "last minute" decision. She had a few pieces that hadn't been used for her other dolls, so she decided to make another doll for the show. And I'm so glad she did! This doll took my breathe away, and she still does! I fell for her hard. I don't believe I have ever wanted anything so badly. And I can finally say, I have her thanks to my loving husband and to Kelly who kept her for me for these last two years.
Kelly is not only an art doll creator, she is also a wonderful painter. Lately she has been painting unicorns and other fantasy paintings. I hope to show case her work in the future as well as interview her for you.
This doll was created exclusively by my good friend, Kelly Sparks Salchli. This doll is cast in porcelain and delicately painted in china paints. Her clothes are handmade. She also has a beautiful unicorn carved into her back and a lovely necklace carved around her collar bone.
Please visit her Facebook page:
Kelly loves horses, and she draws them so beautifully. |
What a beautiful face. |
Love these elf ears! |
Such delicate carving around her collar bone. |
Tiny hands are hard to make. These are so life like, and I love the painted nails. |
Even the bottom of her feet are so realistic. |

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